Author Topic: Fu-rch (Evolution)  (Read 341 times)

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Fu-rch (Evolution)
« on: March 28, 2014, 03:11:55 am »
So I've found this nifty little thing on the web a few days ago called Fu-rch (fixing to be called Evolution since the project is going in a new direction) and it's basically an installer that lets you install Arch in only a few short minutes. Now while I think it's pretty neat and what not I would not recommend this if you're new to Arch because you need to get the experience and knowledge you get when you go through the normal install process otherwise there wouldn't be any point since you won't learn anything. I do however recommend this if you're experienced in Arch and don't want to go through the pretty lengthy process again of setting up a new setup from scratch when you basically know the process like the back of your hand. I'll leave the link to this below if any of you want to check it out. Enjoy!

Link -
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