Proxist Bot: Hidemyass Proxy Grabber
Source: Python for Pentesting Description:"Proxist" is a python bot that grabs "hidemyass" proxies, test them, sort them by connection speed and export them in a txt file (HOST:PORT) so you can use them with other tools or browsers.
Howto: Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o FILE, --output=FILE
Output file
-a, --all Store all information ]
- -o: Specify where to store the proxy list. if not specified, output will be stored in "proxist.log"
- -a: Use this if you want to store additional information (country, protocol, anonymity level...)
Screenshots:Running -o proxylist.txt --all:
Output file (proxylist.txt):
Donwload:The bot is located on my github: