I've fiddled with it now for over an hour, trying to find a file name ad password. But all I can come up with is this data:
From wireshark:
Received: from [] (unknown [])
by mail.snel-adsl.nl (Postfix) with ESMTP id BE81E44038
for <boris@mail.zegzv.be>; Tue, 15 Apr 2014 13:59:04 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <534D1F21.2060704@snel-adsl.nl>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 13:59:29 +0200
From: Pjotr Nowak <pjotr@snel-adsl.nl>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.4.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: boris@mail.zegzv.be
Subject: hee!!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
nou ben ik het zat, ik heb je die file 2 weken geleden al gemaild, waar
blijft me geld!!
(roughly meaning "Well, I am tired, it's been two weeks since the file was emailed, where's my money!")
Accept: application/x-ms-application, image/jpeg, application/xaml+xml, image/gif, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, */*
Referer: http://mail.zegzv.be/src/compose.php?passed_id=5&mailbox=INBOX&startMessage=1&passed_ent_id=0&smaction=reply
Accept-Language: nl-NL
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Host: mail.zegzv.be
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache
Cookie: squirrelmail_language=deleted; SQMSESSID=00t7e814dqruubu6s305g6ovs0; key=3%2F01kjNRF4Jj
EHLO mail.snel-adsl.nl
MAIL FROM:<pjotr@snel-adsl.nl> SIZE=648
RCPT TO:<boris@mail.zegzv.be> ORCPT=rfc822;boris@mail.zegzv.be
This gave me his IP, the sender (Pjotr) and recipient (Boris) and the user agent which can further identify his browser/OS, and not to mention his Squirrel Mail session ID:
OS: Windows 7 64bit rv:30.0 on a desktop
Browser: Firefox 30 (Release date: Tue, June 10, 2014)
Sqirrelmail Session token: SQMSESSID=00t7e814dqruubu6s305g6ovs0; key=3%2F01kjNRF4Jj
SM token: Pve9I1OKwdGi
But aside from the email and the names and other info, I haven't found a reference to any files.
I tried analysing every TCP/HTTP/SMTP header and various filters.