Can you recommend some good online sandboxes for testing out scripts. I only recently started looking into this, heres a good one for javascript and CSS:
http://jsfiddle.netit lets you select different frameworks (or pure js), and it lets you select whether the javascript is run onLoad, in the head, in the body etc. Thats pretty useful. I looked up PHP tester there, but haven't found any good ones yet. Theres plenty like this: don't have many extra features, to do plain PHP tests online I could just use A PHP sandbox which lets you select different frameworks like CakePHP, and lets you test out ajax with different javascript frameworks, now that'd be useful. A big sandbox which combines HTML, CSS, javascript, PHP (and/or other server side languages) and XML would be excellent. For example, one that shows you exactly whats going on with ajax, or displays the output of XML generated by PHP.
Can you share the best online sandbox sites that you know of. Since I only started looking, the best one I know of is jsfiddle which is pretty sweet, but it doesn't let you test server side scripts.