Come to think of it, i don't think you are ready for production phase. i mean you don't sound like you got even the very basics yet. It would be wiser if you took a step back; before you ask which library, try to get a project for yourself, Plan out what it is gonna entail, redefine your project till you might be sure you got all parts covered. For what you are too lazy to hard code (not wise, never get lazy when still in learning phase), there might be a library to do it for you.
For example, if your project will need some web stuff (you might import some requests, beautiful soup, lxml, et-la), then you might require to deal will json, then do some IO for storage.
That is alot of libs [or not] that not one will cover all those fields [goodluck coding one].
So please take a step back and check you gloves.