I can verify that network engineering is pretty fucking legit; however...you have to be very careful, because if a company labels a job opening as "network engineer" it could be anything like...cable maintenance guy (not terrible, but not particularly interesting either), switching/routing (fucking awesoooome!), long haul communications guy (pretty cool for the most part), and then there is the bulk of "network engineering" jobs...fucking shitty-ass help desk.
Just becareful, and make sure you completely understand what you are applying for. Alternatively, you could always go on a h4x0ring rampage for teh lulz and escape to a different country before the authorities get you, but...meh.
To be honest, you might find that you love masonry, or maybe playing guitar, or being a helicopter pilot/whatever just as enjoyable as you do hacking; however, when you find a career you love, don't make the mistake I did and change for a shittier job with higher pay. Because although I love where I'm living, and I get payed more, the hours & bureaucratic/uninteresting bullshit I deal with now undermines everything else that I love, and I'm fucking miserable. Sometimes I don't even bother coming online these days.