I don't think we all are going to die because of that volcano. Sure there probably would be some ash clouds and shit, it wouldn't be very good. However bad it may be, I really doubt we're all going to die.
Actually, if yellowstone erupted then entire Northern hemisphere would be doomed, I'm not exactly sure about the southern hemisphere but you best believe that the majority of life would be hard pressed to survive. Keep in mind, I'm talking about
life, not just humans. Humans are fucked when this happens. Seriously. There will be more then just "some ash clouds and shit."
No offense Kulver my friend but, it's true.
EDIT: Also, the fact that animals are fleeing is a VERY bad sign. Animals fucking know dude. Now, whether or not they are fleeing due to slightly irregular seismic activity or because the apocalypse in near, who knows. Either way, mother nature is overdue to eradicate the human infestation on this planet sooner or later.