Author Topic: Hard Work Beats Talent  (Read 457 times)

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Hard Work Beats Talent
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:47:03 pm »
This guy speaks my mind, and he has better arguments than me.

Just think about it. A lot of people tend to stay with their poor skills because they assume they can't change anything. E.g. I often hear smart women tell me: "I am woman, of course I can't do anything with computers/technology/programming". Statements like these just make my heart drop. They can't, because they think they can't; not because they are female.
And it is the same with everything else. Of course you can't do everything, you need to focus to get good in something. But don't tell people you can't, because you have no talent, the wrong gender or the wrong genes in general. That is not true.

The other videos about focus and passion are great as well:

I don't like the artificial laughter, though. ;)

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Re: Hard Work Beats Talent
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2014, 02:31:37 pm »
I know about that. Most females in my class think the same way. They show no interest and don't even wanna take any interest. Some if them are doing graduation just because their parents told them to do so. Everyone one of us has got a brain. Some of them try to utilize it and other don't in the name of excuse. I really feel pity on them saying these.

Other than you, I know another girl and she is very passionate about computer science and programming. It is not that she writes very efficient codes and is very good in programming but she tries harder and with everyday she is actually getting better and I can see her progress. I always try to help her as much as I can with her Java codes. Its actually amazing when she asks me back for every reply I give her, like "it should be done in this way" and she replies "Why in this way and what are the benefits ?" It great to see a girl developing her programming skills as I don't find one normally. Its like searching a pearl in ocean.

The most lacking thing is that they don't want to get better and don't wanna take interest and many of them give shit excuses. But its actually wrong for them saying that they can't, its all rubbish.

If A is the best grade then I am (C + 0.5 * C) hahahahaha

Well the Word Success has two C's and no A's

Very well said.

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Re: Hard Work Beats Talent
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2014, 06:17:01 pm »
You keep finding nice Ted Talks for me to watch, thank you :)

And yes, hard work is the key to success. Many people fail to accept this, since they want fast results. I can easily compare this to my gym life. Tomorrow (Monday), I've not skipped a single day at the gym for 14 weeks. What for? Because I want to make my body look good. What keeps me going? My "record", I'm constantly adding weeks of not skipping a day, that's what currently gets me going. Hard work and dedication is the only thing that'll get you anywhere in this world.

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