Hacker: An enthusiastic and skillful computer programmer or user.
Cracker: A thin, crisp wafer often eaten with cheese or other savory toppings.
Intruder: A person who intrudes, esp. into a building with criminal intent.
I refuse to be labeled as either or. I will now only acknowledge the term "intruder" to refer to a person who modifies, or breaks into, an information technology system with or without consent of the system's owner.
[Begin half-hearted troll]
Besides, that Eric S. Raymond creep is the one who started that "hacker vs. cracker," nonsense. Just look at a picture of the man! How could you ever take someone seriously, when they look like that?
[/End half-hearted troll]
Not saying I'm on expert on any subject matter, but that's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it...I hope. Also, I wouldn't exactly refer to anything taken from the Jargon Wiki/File as authoritative, because that's exactly what it is...Jargon. It has no intellectual value to anyone except for the people who use it.