My thoughts as well:
I would recommend a generalise degree then specialise after that, which is what most people have stated here already =)
Doing something like IT/Computer Science will give you a broad scope of the IT Industry and will allow you to move into almost any position after that. Though, arnt university degrees Bachelors?
If you specialise now and then change your mind later on, it will be harder and require more work in order to retrain your skills. Take my example, i have a Bachelors with honours in Computer Games Design (art side) and during the final year (4th year into the degree) i decided i didn't want to have anything to do with that industry.
I've since enrolled on a Info Sec Masters degree and shall be starting that soon. But the last year has seen me working my ass off in order to be prepared for the degree, working full time and studying at any time around that. It hasn't been easy but i see it being worth it.
It would have been soooo much easier had i joined a normal, general IT degree as like you, i had no idea what i wanted to do/be "when i grew up".