Hi everyone, i've been trying to do DNS spoofing on my LAN but i have many problems with ettercap....
When i start ettercap in GUI mode select uniffied sniffing select my wireless interface and try to scan for hosts ettercap only finds my router not the target laptop i'm trying to DNS spoof, so i manualy go to Targets/Select TARGET(s) and enter both the router and target than when i try to check "MiTM/ARP Poisoning.../Sniff remote connection" it checks it i click OK and when i go again in "MiTM/ARP Poisoning.../" it's not checked!!
So i ty the text mode:
sudo ettercap -T -M arp:remote -i wlan1 -P dns_spoof -P chk_poison ROUTER_MAC/ROUTER_IP// TARGET_MAC/TARGET_IP//
in which case i have to enter the targets MAC and IP for ettercap to find them but ARP poisoning still doesent work, so i use chk_poison plugin:
chk_poison: Checking poisoning status...
chk_poison: No poisoning between ->
I have changed the UID and GID to 0 in the etter.conf file and removed the '#' in the iptable section..
i use Kubuntu 14.04 amd64 and have completly disabled my firewall...
any help would be appreciated :')