Simply put, I got various emails from Facebook this morning stating that my account has been reactivated (which I obviously didn't do)
and all of a sudden I got 32 new friends (yay!). After a bit of a mind struggle between "these emails must be scam" and "oh shit who haxxored my ass?", I found that these mails were indeed for real. As I attempted to recover my password, I came across a happy little message which read: "Your password was changed at: Yesterday at 11:13pm", and people who know me even just a tiny wee bit, know that I strictly fall dead to bed at 8:00 PM (don't ask why). Either my password got hacked or a session cookie stolen (if that's even possibru). I did not use any kind of password managers in the past and thought, this might be a good time to switch.
So now my question(s) for you: What is your opinion on password managers?
Do they provide a secure way of storing and managing passwords?
Do you use them personally?
Can you recommend a certain manager?