Author Topic: looking for work - small jobs etc  (Read 506 times)

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Offline BobDole666

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looking for work - small jobs etc
« on: July 27, 2014, 06:39:42 am »
Couldn't quite figure out where to put this or if it's even acceptable...

I'm looking for a little work online - I need to get my car inspected (my 1997 Saturn SC2 I bought with my tax return money in February) so I can go back to work doing staffing stuff (usually customer service rep at an office). My brother was kind enough to buy me a tire this week but he can't afford to get my car inspected.

I've been trying to get things on oDesk, Freelancer and eLance but I haven't gotten much. I'm not into typing captchas.

I can help with Perl and MySQL - I've done PHP before but I'm not as comfortable with it. I used to run a large wordpress site (sold it in 2013 for rent money) so I'm familiar with Wordpress as well. I've been using Linux for 20 years or so now and Unix even longer.

If you need help with clicks or CPA stuff (non VPN of course) I can lend a hand there. I'm in the USA if that's relevant. Texas.

Data entry or other things along those lines.

I have a client that I've done product reviews for on Amazon but I think I've done all I can do for him. I would prefer to reserve Amazon for him in case he gets back to me.

I just want some work to do for a little cash (paypal or bitcoin) so I can get back to work.

And as a hint to those younger than me - get your degree. Certs wouldn't hurt either.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 12:42:43 am by BobDole666 »

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Re: looking for work - small jobs etc
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2014, 06:50:42 am »
Your not goingto find work here on what your looking for.

As for finding freelance work though, get an account with like StackOverflow or help with an open source project or something. Build a reputation for yourself before anyone will take you serious. There are hundreds of people joining things like wanting and doing exactly what you want to do. You need to have reff and prove your good. So answering questions on some place like Daniweb or do bug fixes or contribute to some project you will have reff and prove you he guy for the job.

But here, no one is going to need your help or even pay you for code and stuff, we can handle it ourselves.
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Re: looking for work - small jobs etc
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 06:03:28 pm »
Try helping people on forums for money or go on freelancing websites.
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