For the time being I am just trying to find a good anon connection to use with FireFox or Chrome so that I could surf the web around ZScaler. I had originally AirVPN but the only problem using a VPN caused the problem of none of the other programs that needed to connect to the internet to work (Outlook/SAP GUI).
After some time I had bought one subscription to foxyproxy for a month and that worked well for FireFox for allowing me to browse the web and such but got tired of having to pay every so often just to get around a useless thing on the local network that blocks connections.
Is there any reason you wouldnt use TOR in that case ?
Being relatively secure compared to single random proxies of which the owner is not known.
The only way to 'securely' use public proxies is by chaining them , which is horribly slow.
As I said if you want 'private' proxies you should scan for misconfigured boxes or pop some yourself.
Public proxies are blocked by google and many other organisations (keeping track of them is big money) plus you would have no clue as to who owns them and watch the traffic.
Thus being less secure than TOR in this case.
A VPS in some country that does not negotiate with where ever you live is an option.
I would also recommend you to do this shit from linux because it allows far greater control over the traffic going out.
For example a virtual machine that you would use for typical browsing and tunnel that to a VPS/VPN.
Lucid once wrote a small overview of how to achieve more privacy online, search for it , might give some ideas, otherwise I would be hammering this page full with already stated info.