Alright here goes, if you get through them all... you can probably program anything you want.
I won't explain anything. I'm just giving you a similar structure to what we use in University.
1. Write a Hello World Program that takes a name from user input, and outputs something based on it. IE. Hello World, and HTH.
2. Do the same as above but use FILE IO. (Dont forget error checking)
3. Write a loop that will print out asteriks from 0 to whatever the user specifies.
Like so:
etc. Bonus points if you center them.
4. Do the same as above but using a different control structure.
5. Once again, this time make it use a switch in some way
6. Take any of the program you have written, and place the working code in a function. Your int main should be two lines. IE.
int main()
call function; <<< NOT WORKING CODE LOL
return 0;
7. Write a function or series of functions that will solve a quadratic equation given a b and c
8. Write a program that will declare a 10 int array, then ask the user to fill it. Once it's filled, print it out in forward, reverse, ascending, descending, and finally the sum + largest and smallest numbers.
9. Finally, do 8 as above but modify it so that it accepts the array from a file.
10. Write a program that will compute the sums of two matrices, bonus points for multiplication (if possible
), or transverse, etc.
11. Design a small program that can keep track of payroll for an imaginary company. Use STRUCTURES.
12. create a date class that contains the members; month, day, year, as well as setters and getts for each (6 functions total), a default constructor, an additional constructor and destructor, as well as a function called sameDate which accepts another date object and returns a boolean value.
13. Convert The program in number 11 into a class-based program IE use a class not a struct.
14. Take your date class and add a print date function, using n overloaded "<<" operator. in addition, add overloading for "++" "+" "--" and "-".
15. Design a function (class acually) that can calculate the distance between a point in 2 dimensional space. Then use inheritance!!! to make one that can do it in 3 D
16. Learn how to make a dynamically sized array, then learn how to use the reference and dereference operators correctly. And preferably safely.
17. Just for fun, make a dynamic array of any object that you please from any of the above programs, then learn how to access functions and data within using a pointer to each object. Hint "->"
18. Learn how to program a selection sort, insertion sort, sequential search and binary search. Keep these functions for later
19. Program something that takes numbers from a file and populates a linked list with them. Then have a menu that a user can select from to edit. IE.
A. Add Number
B. Remove Number
C. Print List
D. Sort
E. Exit
20. DO the same as above but with a doubly linked list, and a cylicallly linked list. You may choose for all of these if you want them sorted by default or not
21.Create a Function Template for ouputting the maximum between two pieces of data.
22. Look at class templates.
Expression | Defined as Member Functions | Defined as Non-Member Functions |
a+b | myarray operator+(myarray b) | myarray operator+(myarray a, myarray b) |
1+a | N/A | myarray operator+(int a, myarray b) |
a+1 | | |
a=b | | |
a>b | | |
10<b | | |
cin>>a | | |
Complete this table.
24. Use a stack data structure (i dont care if you use the std one or if you program it yourself) to program a parenthesis checking function. IE. ((xx))} is invalid but ({(
25. Use a statically sized stack to practice using excption handling.. TRY CATCH THROW.
26. Program a recursive function that will return the base10 value of binary number IE got from 11011010111 to X. Each call should only handle one decimal place.
27. Use a QUEUE to simulate a very rudimentary instruction list for a cpu. Then Implement some priority.
28. Program a log in that uses a hash table to ensure that no passwords are actually stored. For simplicity we can just say that all passwords are int values. You may define your own hashing function as well as something to correct for collisions.
29.Implement a Binary Search tree.
and finally 30. Program a secure payroll program. Simplly put these are the requirements.
Password Protected but no stored passwords.
Data can NOT be stored in plain text but it must be capable of storing it over time.
You should be able to:(as a test) log in, populate the database with employees and wages, etc. log out. log in, update something, log out, log back in, print it out, then change your password. Securely! then log out. The new password should work (Not in source code
If you can get through all of this, over any span of time. Give me a PM, I have more advanced ones too.