Well, I am coding in Python a lot and so it happens that my projects are very long and scrolling from bottom to top or vice versa every time just makes me rage… also when you have no reliable and a fast way to test Regex it just pisses me off too. So here are two plugins for Gedit that will really ease your life and I have tested them both.
First one that I use A LOT is the “Regex search and replace”. Many plugins like that are very basic and do not have a replace function, but this one has. It use Python Regex syntax, is fully finished, works like a charm:
http://www.kiwwito.com/download/c9a069af9a46df0420e88650d1755bb3 When installed, go to “Tools -> Regex search and replace” to use it.
Other one is for code folding. Simple, yet works good:
http://code.google.com/p/gedit-folding/downloads/list When installed, to fold code, put the cursor on a line to mark and press “ALT+Z”. To unfold the code, put the cursor on a folded line and press “ALT+Z” again. “ALT+X” unfolds all the folder lines.
To install those plugins, put them into “~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins” folder. If there is no “plugins” folder – create it. Then open up Gedit and go to “Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins” and enable them.