I was scanning a few targets the other night and was using the following NMAP commands:
-sS -sV -Pn -A -O -v target.info.here
I 'think' I have my stuff configured so that all connections are routed through Tor; I have the following files configured like this:
1) TORRC - DNS port 53 added to the end of this file
2) DHCP/DHCLIENT.CONF - I uncomment #prepend domain-name-servers;
3) PROXYCHAINS.CONF - I uncomment "dynamic chain" and at the bottom of the file I add these lines:
socks4 9050
socks5 9050
localnet 000
I then fire up Tor service and away I go.
I like it this way because I cannot connect to the web without first firing up Tor service.
With this set up (no VPN just Tor for the moment) my results on ipchicken.com, ipleak.net, ip-check.info and whoer.net are always as they should be ie: totally different ip and DNS servers.
At other times I will also use a VPN (Mullvad) alongside Tor. I use Mullvad's own client and uncheck "protect against DNS leaks" (I uncheck this because if left unchecked it hard-changes the resolve.conf to Mullvad only and I don't want that by virtue that I've already routed the DNS stuff through TOR which appears to be fine according to the DNS websites listed above.
So with all of that in mind, the NMAP scan returned some traceroute details that I explored further, but being the noob that I am, have left me a bit confused/worried about them.
The NMAP scans made a Traceroute list of several ip addresses, about eight in total. The final one on the list was the target ip, the ones in the middle I'm not sure of, but the first one in the list was either Mullvads (if I had the VPN running alongside Tor) or (if I wasnt using the VPN, just Tor) an ip from my ISP. This is what is bugging me, so my questions are:
- How, after routing through Tor, does the Traceroute output list those ISP addys?
- Can the target being scanned see this traceroute info, and if yes what part of it? ie: when using both Tor and a VPN, does the target see the Mullvad address or the Tor address? What about when just running through Tor? What about just the VPN? Can the target see my ISP ip?
Sorry for perhaps rambling, but I'm just trying to provide as many details as needed.
Thanks for any help.