Well guys i was working in the VM and i think some are not loading after msfconsole command. Then after some struggles i swithed to dualboot installation with win7 and kali linux then i did not see any error like this I think it was related with the installation or something like this.
But, now i am dealing with "exploit completed, but no session was created"
any ideas?
This propably tells that your target isn't vulnerable for exploit you used. Seriously, read some tutorials and use google.
And most importantly consider that maybe this is not yet thing you should be practising. Maybe you should try wargames or something(for example in overthewire.org) to learn more about basic stuff and there you can go to more challenging things step by step.
There is no use of only knowing how metasploit works. That just makes you true skid. But remember that i'm just trying to give you constructive criticism.