Interesting. So this is basically PwnPhone but built on Android.
Basically yes, i guess, but doesn't PwnPhone cost like a hell of a lot(1000$?)? So this is a "bit" cheaper solution.Even if someone would bought nexus device just for this.
It's bit confusing tho how this nethunter is referred as OS even it seems more like flashing google apps(nethunter being gapps) or something on custom rom via recovery and then just you launch it as like basic app. So to me this seems more like an app than "OS".
Too bad only Nexus phones are supported tho. I am also curious how they made all of the Kali tools work on ARM CPUs as they claim. Did they compile every damn tool for ARM?
I'd imagine it would be a bit painful to do some of the things because of how android stacks windows (one window at a time).
Well it's android so probably it doesn't take long that every popular phone model has it own version. Quickly googling tells that it's already ported to some other than nexus devices.
But don't know how they have done it with every tool. That window stacking does seem kind of proplematic.
I watched that video about HID attack in their homepage and at least part of the stuff seemed to be done through browser, kind of like router setup page.