Okay guys!
As some of you may already know, I am currently getting a Technical computing Bachelor degree. And this block (1/2 semester) i have Embedded 1 woohoo!
We started of by doing logical circuits in Logisim (try it out!) then we went and did some embedded programming using the
http://fubarino.org/mini/index.html (I also ordered one for 15$, will get it 3 december). We did not use the arduino like libary but really digged into the PIC32MX documentation and made leds blink etc.
We are currently studying using the book "computer organization and architecture by willian stallings" it's a great book for a real nerd.
I am planning to use the fubarino mini to get into UART outputs on devices to get shells, like a router or something.
Anybody has some other cool learning suggestions or cool things to try using a PIC32MX ?