Author Topic: Suggest me Web projects/exercises for practice  (Read 411 times)

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Offline PsychoRebellious

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Suggest me Web projects/exercises for practice
« on: November 29, 2014, 07:27:49 pm »
Since I am getting back to programming after a while i have to get back to all the revising stuff anddddd shine my skills! I am looking for things to code
Okay so it has been a month but I've done the following projectss just for the heck of it

*database manager- > selecting/creating/deleting databases and selecting/creating/editing  /inserting into tables functionality (forms and tables used widely)

*A social networking website: Allowed you to create an account/send mesages to other users/search for users/add a profile photo and update/set profile info

*A simple bulletin board-> Again all the tables business Adding thread and replying to them with forms

*ebook store- with shopping cart mechanism(worked with having a multidimensional array as a session variable

andd thats all folkss! I need some more projects. Please don't have it be simple projects, I am not looking for omething like find the fabonacci seriers and that sort of thing I am looking for some php projects that use many programming concepts from arrays to classes and algorithms too(but not with any engineering level maths, simple algebra). I just think this will be a fun thing to do and we all can maybe submit our  tries and see who solves the problem in the most interesting way? (No rule for design html,css and js stuff, backend stuff please)

Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: Suggest me Web projects/exercises for practice
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2014, 09:19:04 pm »
Go talk to HTH about his ongoing LottoBot project :)

Offline DanBlaze

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Re: Suggest me Web projects/exercises for practice
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2014, 08:01:06 pm »
In my experience the best practice projects are games. Here are some simple examples:

- Tune sports cars and race them
- Manage a sports team and compete vs other teams
- Setup an army and fight vs another army

Stuff like that. It's just that games raise a lot of questions and usually require more creativity than copying functionality like making a simple bb script.
But if you want an idea like that instead, a good example is to try and copy or to make a simplified version of :)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 08:01:19 pm by DanBlaze »