Your best bet is to look for clues elsewhere. Remember with encryption, the weakest link is rarely the algorithm, but rather the implementation.
Likely theres some sort of giveaway elsewhere, if you can generate more encrypted strings, and more so know the plaintext, can give you clues. If its always the same string for the same input, then likely its either a hash, or an unsalted/no-iv form of encryption(though even so it may simply use something like gtime() or equiv and can be guessed). Hashes can often be broken up into hexadecimal portions. Your string is mixed ascii so likely not a typical hash(unless encoded, but unlikely).
If you can control the input and it doesn't change, then try slight variations of the input. if only small portions of the ciphertext change then theres the chance its using a weak key based block encryption, or worse. Attacking this angle is typically called a 'known plaintext attack' and has cropped up in tons of implementations.
Overall it's hard to say without knowing more about the situation.