I was starting to code again in python so to practice my skills I was solving some of the problems of SPOJ.
I'd like to hear your opinion about this code. I know python has some libraries to do this faster and easier, but the point was to practice, so I just used built-in stuff.
What this piece of code does is asking user for t lines. Each t line has m and n (separated by space). Then it outputs the prime numbers between m and n. There's some limitations on m and n tho'.
Any kind of suggestions, tips, recommendations are welcome!
Thank you in advance.
#Asks for t
while True:
t = int(raw_input("Input number of lines: "))
if t > 10 or t <= 0:
print "This value can't be greater than ten, equal or less than zero!"
#Ask for m and n
lines = []
count = 0
while count < t:
for i in range(1, (t + 1)):
line = raw_input("Input m y n: ")
line = line.split()
line = [int(i) for i in line]
m, n = line[0], line[1]
if (m >= 1) and (n <= 1000000000):
if (n - m <= 100000) and (m < n):
count += 1
print "Invalid values"
print "Invalid values"
#Gets lists to iterate next
num_ran = []
for i in lines:
r = range(i[0], (i[1] + 1))
#Search the prime numbers
for i in range(0, len(num_ran)):
for j in num_ran[i][:]:
if j == 1 or j == 4:
for k in range(2, (j/2)):
if j%k == 0:
#Just a little bit of decent output
c = 0
for i in lines:
print "Prime numbers between %s and %s are:"%(i[0], i[1])
print num_ran[c]
c = c + 1