Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Module Module1
Dim Path As String = ""
Dim Command As String = ""
Dim Setted As Boolean = False
Dim A As Boolean = False
Dim C As Boolean = False
Dim H As Boolean = False
Dim N As Boolean = False
Dim R As Boolean = False
Dim S As Boolean = False
Sub Main()
Console.Title = "[File Attribute Editor]"
Dim e As String = ""
For Each Arg As String In Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
e = e & Arg & " "
e = e.Replace("System.String[]", "")
If e.Contains("-") Then
End If
End Sub
Function Auto(ByVal e As String)
If e.Contains("-A") Then A = True
If e.Contains("-C") Then C = True
If e.Contains("-H") Then H = True
If e.Contains("-S") Then S = True
If e.Contains("-R") Then R = True
If e.Contains("-N") Then N = True
Dim Spil() As String = e.Split("-")
Path = Spil(Spil.GetUpperBound(0))
Path = Replac(Path)
If File.Exists(Path) Then
Dim At As String = ""
At = " Selected Attributes: " & vbCrLf
If A = True Then At = At & "Archive, "
If C = True Then At = At & "Content, "
If H = True Then At = At & "Hidden, "
If N = True Then At = At & "Normal, "
If S = True Then At = At & "SystemFile, "
If R = True Then At = At & "ReadOnly"
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Path")
End If
End Function
Function Manual()
Dim At As String
While File.Exists(Path) = False
If Path = "Help" Then
Path = ""
End If
Path = Console.ReadLine()
Path = Replac(Path)
Setted = True
End While
Console.WriteLine("Path is Valid")
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Currnet path: " & Path)
While Setted = True
Command = Console.ReadLine()
If Command.Contains("Archive;True") Then A = True
If Command.Contains("Archive;False") Then A = False
If Command.Contains("Content;True") Then C = True
If Command.Contains("Content;False") Then C = False
If Command.Contains("Hide;True") Then H = True
If Command.Contains("Hide;False") Then H = False
If Command.Contains("Normal;True") Then N = True
If Command.Contains("Normal;False") Then N = False
If Command.Contains("ReadOnly;True") Then R = True
If Command.Contains("ReadOnly;False") Then R = False
If Command.Contains("System;True") Then S = True
If Command.Contains("System;False") Then S = False
If Command.Contains("Start") Then Start()
If Command.Contains("Check") Then Check()
If Command.Contains("Help") Then Help()
If Command.Contains("Restart") Then
A = False
C = False
H = False
N = False
S = False
R = False
Path = ""
Setted = False
GoTo Restart
End If
If Not (Command.Contains("Check") Or Command.Contains("Start") Or Command.Contains("Help") Or Command.Contains("Restart")) Then
At = "Selected Attributes: " & vbCrLf
If A = True Then At = At & "Archive, "
If C = True Then At = At & "Content, "
If H = True Then At = At & "Hidden, "
If N = True Then At = At & "Normal, "
If S = True Then At = At & "SystemFile, "
If R = True Then At = At & "ReadOnly"
If At.Length > 25 Then Console.WriteLine(At)
End If
End While
End Function
Function Help()
If File.Exists(Path) = False Then
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Help:")
Console.WriteLine("Path Code:")
Console.WriteLine("@DOC - Gets the Path to MyDocuments")
Console.WriteLine("@PRO - Gets the Path to Program Files")
Console.WriteLine("@APP - Gets the Path to Application Data")
Console.WriteLine("@DES - Gets the Path to Desktop")
Console.WriteLine("@STM - Gets the Path to StartMenu")
Console.WriteLine("@STU - Gets the Path to StartUp")
Console.WriteLine("How to Use: @DOC\MyPictures\Test.png")
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Help: ")
Console.WriteLine(" Archive;[True|False] - Set File Archive (is True when Differs form the Backup)")
Console.WriteLine(" Content;[True|False] - Set File To NotContentIndexed(The File will not be indexed by your PC) when True")
Console.WriteLine(" Hide;[True|False] - Set File to Hidden when True")
Console.WriteLine(" Last;[True|False] - Lets you Change 'Last Accessed'")
Console.WriteLine(" Normal;[True|False] - Set File to Normal when True")
Console.WriteLine(" ReadOnly;[True|False] - Set File to ReadOnly when True")
Console.WriteLine(" System;[True|False] - Set File to SystemFile when True")
Console.WriteLine("Check - Checks The file attribute status")
Console.WriteLine("Start - Start the process to set the Attributes")
Console.WriteLine("Restart - Reset everything so you can do it over")
End If
End Function
Function Replac(ByVal Path As String) As String
Path = Path.Replace("@DOC", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments))
Path = Path.Replace("@PRO", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles))
Path = Path.Replace("@APP", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData))
Path = Path.Replace("@DES", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop))
Path = Path.Replace("@STM", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.StartMenu))
Path = Path.Replace("@STU", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup))
Return Path
End Function
Function Check()
Console.WriteLine("Check Result:")
If (File.GetAttributes(Path) And FileAttributes.Archive) = FileAttributes.Archive Then
Console.WriteLine("File.Archive = True")
Console.WriteLine("File.Archive = False")
End If
If (File.GetAttributes(Path) And FileAttributes.Hidden) = FileAttributes.Hidden Then
Console.WriteLine("File.Hidden = True")
Console.WriteLine("File.Hidden = False")
End If
If (File.GetAttributes(Path) And FileAttributes.Normal) = FileAttributes.Normal Then
Console.WriteLine("File.Normal = True")
Console.WriteLine("File.Normal = False")
End If
If (File.GetAttributes(Path) And FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed) = FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed Then
Console.WriteLine("File.NotContentIndexed = True")
Console.WriteLine("File.NotContentIndexed = False")
End If
If (File.GetAttributes(Path) And FileAttributes.ReadOnly) = FileAttributes.ReadOnly Then
Console.WriteLine("File.ReadOnly = True")
Console.WriteLine("File.ReadOnly = False")
End If
If (File.GetAttributes(Path) And FileAttributes.System) = FileAttributes.System Then
Console.WriteLine("File.SystemFile = True")
Console.WriteLine("File.SystemFile = False")
End If
End Function
Function Start()
If H = False And N = False And S = False And R = False Then
Console.WriteLine("No Attributes are selected!")
Exit Function
End If
Console.WriteLine("Setting Attributes")
Console.WriteLine("Must set these Attributes:")
If A = True Then Console.WriteLine("Archive")
If C = True Then Console.WriteLine("NotContentIndexed")
If H = True Then Console.WriteLine("Hidden")
If N = True Then Console.WriteLine("Normal")
If S = True Then Console.WriteLine("SystemFile")
If R = True Then Console.WriteLine("ReadOnly")
File.SetAttributes(Path, FileAttributes.Normal)
'Set Attributes
If A = True Then File.SetAttributes(Path, File.GetAttributes(Path) Or FileAttributes.Archive)
If C = True Then File.SetAttributes(Path, File.GetAttributes(Path) Or FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed)
If H = True Then File.SetAttributes(Path, File.GetAttributes(Path) Or FileAttributes.Hidden)
If N = True Then File.SetAttributes(Path, File.GetAttributes(Path) Or FileAttributes.Normal)
If R = True Then File.SetAttributes(Path, File.GetAttributes(Path) Or FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
If S = True Then File.SetAttributes(Path, File.GetAttributes(Path) Or FileAttributes.System)
End Function
End Module
Edit: New Method of Setting Attributes have been used,
Archive and NotContentIndexed are edited