I'll try to give as much info as possible. I recently purchased a bare bones HP Compaq desktop off ebay. Got a killer deal on it, won the auction for like $52 bucks, so I initially was a happy camper. I received the machine, and installed ubuntu on it, and when I went to boot to the OS, it goes right to the grub rescue menu 'grub> ' . I'm still pretty new to linux, so I did some googling, played with cfdisk, even created a new /boot partition on my next install, and still received the same issues.
I even yanked the hdd, and formatted a brand new 750 gb hdd that I own, and am still having the same issues. For some reason it won't boot at all, and I receive this message prior to the grub menu, "error: /dev/sd0 not found" . I wasn't sure if it was supposed to mount the hdd as sda1, which was my previous experience. Last night I even reset the CMOS as a last effort to restore the machine to factory settings, but still is not going my way.
Any suggestions ? - or google pointers for better search efforts.
(All of the hardware is intact properly, and the machine is basically brand new. The hdd is on a SATA connection, so i'm thinking of maybe switching the SATA port.)
I appreciate any input.