Hey there,
I was studying some WAF, and I would like to have your opinion on the question.
So it's a bit of a debate but a constructive one please
First, I m conscious that WAF aren't "the solution" but a solution since it occurs on the level 7 of the osi model.
But still, I think that this is a nice solution for some website, In my opinion WAF are a good complementary solution but developer must continue to be careful about how they write their line of code ! :p
So far, I studied modsecurity, naxsi and ironbee !
By studied I mean put in place on a website and look at the log !
And well, I was quite surprising satisfied how good of a work they did
I will admit the principe of white list of naxsi is appealing and easy to put in place.
modsecurity is quite heavy :O
And Ironbee, where the lead developer is the founder of modsecurity itself , well Ironbee is more difficult to assimilate, but it work pretty well.
And now I was thinking, yes those WAF are cool, but society will most likely use some commercial WAF (like imperva, sonicwall, barracuda , and citrix for example ) I like the last one.
And it seems they offer a router on which operate the WAF manually configurable. (expansive for sonicwall and barracuda by the way )
And so I was looking for review, return of experience about those commercial tools (and the open source too of course).
(And sorry for my english, be tolerant I m a nice guy :p)
PS: grammar nazi can correct me if they want, it's a way to progress