try to make as much as you can your own things, and FINISH THEM don't leave them half way done.
That is just wrong, to some extent, but no offense. There are personally anot of projects i start or i started and never finish/ed. Though it is advisable to get those projects to finish, we all know motivation can run alot of places. The main objective is for you to write as much bad code as possible and with time, it will get good.
@OP, I didn't even click that thread but i know it isn't the right book for you. OOP is the power of C++ that is one of the major determinants of its difference with C. You can achieve alot with procedural C++ but when you start posting code in places, people with have to suggest, "You could have made a class for this one, and that one." If you learning way is one of having insight from a book, then either "Starting out with C++: early objects" or "C++primer"