If i remember correctly you can't browse the internet, nor do any other "normal" network-related activity, while your adapetr is in monitor mode ...
You can, but if you do that:
1. You won't be able to change your mac while doing the job, or even if you change it its time you will connect on some network it will return to your official.
2. You won't be able to scan all the channels, you will just make scans on your own channel(the channel on which the network you will be connected will be set to listen to).
3. You won't be able to use some of the injection techiques with aireplay-ng (if I remember correctly).
Generally it is a terrible idea, if you would like to be "invisible" you should just make the job with the aircrack-ng suite and then do all the other things that you have in mind.
L0aD1nG, thank you for clearing up that bug, will definitely help!
doppiamunnezza, That is correct, with monitor mode enabled you are unable to browse the internet. You are setup to capture "most" packets. Not to send any back out. (Unless Deauthing)
You are welcome, and no you are able to browse the internet as I said already. It is just a terrible idea. And you will loose many abilities, well now if you are already scanning a specific network... Scanning process may face problems cause it might will be set up to listen on different channel (than the network that you will be connected to browse the internet).
I have done this sometimes on couple of my buddies houses, when we were "borrowing" internet to listen to music and it was lagging due to some other people on the neighboorhood which were also "borrowing" the same internet. So I massively DEauth them with a script over and over again in a frequency of like 20-30 seconds. The lag disappeared and we were listen to music properly then.
BUT as I already said, this is a bad idea... you should not do that like this! Those buddies wouldn't care for revealing there MACs even though I warned them and also the danger is kinda low on a country like mine... well we really were in need to listen music properly too...
The non-typical rules of aircrack-ng suite usage is:
1. To not be connected on any network, while you are using it.
2. To change your MAC address before doing anything, even before setting your card on monitor mode.
On Kali Linux macchanger should be pre-installed so:
ifconfig <interface> down;
macchanger -r <interface>;
ifconfig <interface> up;
Then do what you wish...