Well me and my best friend had discussions about this topic for years, after I decided that I will stop to discuss anything that is(or seems) impossible to happen based on logic. The "realistic" solutions that appeared after all the discussions were just two:
- Powerful education and culture system on every country accessible by every person on each country.
- A really overpowered "terrorism unity" which would be having this clear and valuable goal and only.
I was the one who were claiming the second one to be the most effective, he was claiming the first one to be the more effective. Though we both agreed that the second one would be much faster and that both of the solutions were actually "realistic" solutions on the problem(if you are from those weird people who believe that this could be solved, like us).I will give some short of explanation for both.
Powerful education and culture systemThis solution would for sure(like 99.99%) bring down the current system cause extremely educated people combined with the right culture would never become like those who are running the world now. Based on logic always; this method should be taking place more than 50-70 years so the absolute new generations which were born when this system were already established and being ran, would take place on authority spots and so they would be the ones who could run the world. Although that this strategy would be more guaranteed from the one I was throwing on the table on the discussions, it was easy to realize that the time-frame should be that long. So this solution is referring actually to the next generations and it is not applicable to the problem "at the moment" or on the next 10-30 years for sure. Now the question was; but many countries have already overpowered education systems why would this take so long? Well on the first hand we were discussing about every country, on the other hand the culture were decided that it must be the first factor(most important) on this solution, culture.... which lacks from the most countries(including mine for sure).
Overpowered Terrorism UnityWell as I said already this was(is) my solution on the problem, though the word "terrorism" is actually wrong literally to make you visualize what I need to say, but it was used to make it clear that it will be a unity of people who are absolutely offended to the current "system"(those who run the world). So this... is kinda hard to explain in a small text. I was think this so many years how this should be organized... to conclude on specific points, but I will make a try.
This unity should touch the perfection on the following skill sets:
- Culture, love for humanity (acknowledge that the human being is the most important thing on this world).
- Self education(Maths, Physics, Communication Systems, English-lang, specific kinds of philosophy).
- Invisibility on real world(included the communications with each other).
- Powerful and big range weapons usage.
- Every Martial Arts.
- Survival abilities.
- Endless Will.
- Discipline.
Lets start supposing now; that people from all around the world which have on their mind that taking down this corrupt system which rules the world today as the most valuable goal, are existing today and are on a young age. We would be in need of no more than
497 collected equally from as more different countries as possible. Then we keep supposing; that after those people would have the knowledge that they should sacrifice like 10 to 20 (depending on how the enemy moves) years of there lives to touch the perfection on the skill sets I listed above. Final suppose; that those people would agree to do that after all. Then we would just need
3 more people.
The leader; the one with endless courage and the spirit with which can make his team to believe that nothing is impossible each time needed to.
The strategist; the one who is perfect on the organization, strategic planning logic etc etc you know the absolute control freak, who would do everything needed to so he can always have the absolute control over everything the right way.
The firestarter; the one who would start this, and the one we will gather all those people with extremely good skills on judging and logical thinking.
Now considering the fact that the corrupt rulers of the world would not use nuclear weapons massively
THIS team could totally
annihilate them all in less than 5 years from the time they would make their first appearance.
But you know... all this is the imagination of two "crazy" persons... don't listen to them!!
They just born to be "crazy" or something...
Who knows...
P.S. If you read the whole text, I hope typos or bad grammar wasn't that massive to end up being annoying.