Hey Cranoo,
Yeah, the syntax changed a bit (i.e raw_input() just became input() ), but something to consider is do you really need to use 3 over 2?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't learn it; I used python 3 to create a script to sort through IP subnets at work because of the handy IP modules 3 has. However, python 2 comes installed on a lot of systems currently, like Macs and most Linux distros, whereas anything needing 3 you would need to install 3 specifically. If you're trying to execute a python script on a remote system, you may want to just do it in 2. There's also a tool called py2exe that can create .exe files for Windows off of python 2 scripts, but it doesn't work on python 3 (last time I checked the project).
But if this is just for your own scripts/education, I would say check out what Phage suggested and the official docs. There's more support out there for 2 right now so you'll probably need to do things the hard way for 3 for now.
Good luck!