I always felt that thing where futuristic computers can get confused and explode is bullshit.
Some stupid thing like "everything I say to you is a lie".. Then they go: "error! error! Does not compute.", then they blow up.
"My function is to probe for biological infestations, to destroy that which is not perfect. I am Nomad."
NOMAD: I shall continue. I shall return to launch point Earth. I shall sterilise.
KIRK: You must sterilise in case of error?
NOMAD: Error is inconsistent with my prime functions. Sterilisation is correction.
KIRK: Everything that is in error must be sterilised.
NOMAD: There are no exceptions.
KIRK: Nomad, I made an error in creating you.
NOMAD: The creation of perfection is no error.
KIRK: I did not create perfection. I created error.
NOMAD: Your data is faulty. I am Nomad. I am perfect.
KIRK: I am the Kirk, the creator?
NOMAD: You are the Creator.
KIRK: You are wrong! Jackson Roykirk, your creator, is dead. You have mistaken me for him. You are in error. You did not discover your mistake. You have made two errors. You are flawed and imperfect and you have not corrected by sterilisation. You have made three errors.
NOMAD: Error. Error. Error. Examine.
And thus we saw the end of nomad, sorry I don't watch CSI.. I only watch old TV shows/Movies, new stuff is very rarely good.