Being somebody having no certification, let alone one from a credible institute, it is almost as if there is no hope where with the path I have chosen. To start with, C++ is my main/first language. Till now, I have only played around with the standard library only( I switched to web languages then). I never expected to have a living with something like C++ anyway, even the dream of being a game developer was never accomplished and may never be (Having only highschool education, I don't really know a lot of mathematics) . I realized there were more jobs of Android then there were of these other general purpose languages, and so I learned JAVA and learned the android development kit(not really, played around with it).
Anyway, coming back to web languages, I got myself learning PHP and jQuery(I already knew some front end working), and started learning photoshop. Through out this process, have I realized that I only have bits and bits of many skills but I am not really good with any of them.
Now, I wonder if I'll ever be able to earn something as a developer. Concentrating on core/raw PHP all the time, everywhere I see the online jobs are for DRUPAL/WORDPRESS/JOOMLA developers, and that is so boring(Anybody who has worked with a CMS can tell you that). I've been trying to set up a portfolio as a web developer and I have no idea what to fill it with.
Past work: Some dumb social engineering website, photo gallery, simple CMS(no plugin support or anything)
I need to know how you other developers(those without a formal education) have worked their way through. I am really getting tired of working as a content writer( and some shit receptionist job that I do)