di0x: I doubt you'll find many people who have anything to share about their journey through "cyber defense dept" military school; although if anybody does and is willing to share, please do.
Since you're already familiar with web-based vulns, the next logical step would be to familiarize yourself with "hardening". I'd look into hardening things like hypothetical protocols, your kernel, os, local networks, and webapps too if you haven't already. These things are all very important and once you understand the details of how these security measures are mis-configured, or just lay unused, the closer you can get to becoming a "defense" focused guy.
If you want to be in an offensive position, learn the same things you have to do for defense, and then study and document clever ways to evade these defenses. Whether you're trying to crack some "trial version" of a piece of software or you're studying the strengths and weaknesses of encryption algorithms the devil is going to be in the nitty gritty details.
Anyways good luck and cyberdrifter is correct, you are technically supposed to post in the members intro first. Tell us what kinds of programming languages you know, what aspects of security you're interested, etc. Writing an intro isn't hard and we won't shun you away from the place if you goof up on it.