So uh, I guess I'm a GMOD now. So there's that.
I'll do my best to burn the infidels and all that jazz, mostly the ones who try to sell us discounted backdoored hacktools. Honestly that's how it all started, I asked Factionwars to make me a gmod for like 30 seconds so I could post on a BoS thread. Then he had a conversation with the other admins that I imagine went something like this:
Factionwars: Sooo, keep HTH as GMOD?
Ande: Of course I love that guy
Phage: ^ * 2 (Literally, he probably said it twice.)
Ande: Should we put it to a vote?
KulverStukas: Democracy is overrated.
Ande: Adjourned, make the idiot clean up the posts made by other idiots.
I imagine Xires would have chimed in as well, but I'm told he was busy filling his furnace with the harvested souls of the HF skids.
Anyway.. now I'm the idiot cleaning up the idiot threads so you guys can continue to enjoy the forum without over 9000 "booter 4 sale" threads. Be Gentle
Also just because I promised him I'd put it in the thread:
"Finally, we have our savior and no longer have to deal with people trying to sell fake CC's or skidiot tools. Rejoice!" --Rytiou