Author Topic: VPNs useless?  (Read 406 times)

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VPNs useless?
« on: March 29, 2015, 06:32:06 pm »
I've been reading about how it was recently discovered that your true IP/location can be discerned by a server using the "STUN" request in browsers and apps which can open up browser windows. If this is true than VPNs are essentially useless now, right? Could anyone educate me on this please?


This is obviously a troll thread. If not, then you're inconceivably autistic if you think you can even begin to do this.

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Re: VPNs useless?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2015, 07:03:37 pm »

Offline cyberdrifter

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Re: VPNs useless?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2015, 07:14:46 pm »
I've been reading about how it was recently discovered that your true IP/location can be discerned by a server using the "STUN" request in browsers and apps which can open up browser windows. If this is true than VPNs are essentially useless now, right? Could anyone educate me on this please?


This will break it down pretty nicely for you:

and this will show you how to take proper precautions against it:

Just using a VPN alone isn't a failproof method. You should think of security in depth. There should be multiple stages of security in case one or two of them are violated. But again this should be in line with what you hope to accomplish. You don't need a VPN, hopping through TOR, hooked up to a random open wifi miles away from your home, spoofing your mac address on a throw away computer using TAILS OS just to hide porn from your mother.

This is where proper RISK analysis comes in. The tools you use should be in line with the risk you're taking.
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