Well, I can't say I've been diagnosed with any condition(never been to a shrink either), but from what I've read from wiki and various other med articles and sources, I'm probably bipolar and was definitely depressive at one point. Contemplated suicide very seriously and read up about it, decided that it was definitely not worth it, so I might as well just live my life and do shit. That's how I surpassed the depression. Took me 2 years...
And right now, I just have weird moments when I want to cry for no goddamn reason. They pass in like a minute or two. And then I'm aaaaall good again and ready to do whatever the fuck I want.
Oh and if it wasn't illegal, I'd kill a looooot of people without any regret whatsoever.
I'd still literally kill some idiots, but right now I'm just too paranoid I might get caught.