So, as u know I decided to learn python, I downloaded some books and all, but before starting with books and serious understanding of python I created a simple script to test my skills. I knew a bit how it worked from reading code, so I got my hands dirty and made one myself.
The script itself is extremely useless, maybe a troll, but as said before it was the first idea I got and wanted to see what I know.
google was my best friend, as most of the time I was seeing how some stuff worked, I got some help also from our very own super ninja programmer HTH, via IRC
I would also like to add that I did not copy paste anything from anywhere! I wrote it all myself, without snippets or anything, (Just the regex for the 0 or 000-255 range, hth gave it to me, but I went then to their website and understood how it worked;)
So here is the code:
print"///////////////Version 1.0.0/////////////////////////////"
print"This application is intended for educational purposes only."
print"It shall be used with proper authorizations provided or by"
print"the system admin himslef"
print"This script is only effective on select number of clients"
print"////////////////Use at your own risks////////////////////"
#Define Target IP and
import re
while True:
ip = raw_input("Please Enter Target IPv4 Address:")
if re.match('^([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$',ip):
#The regex thing courtesy of HTH
print "ERROR:Invalid IPv4 Address Format try again"
#Now begins the trolololo
print"This is the target IP Address",ip
def start():
print"Please define the target computer's OS"
print"1. Windows (xp and above)"
print"2. Linux"
print"3. Mac OS"
print"4. Other"
os = raw_input("Number of the Target OS:")
if os == "1":
print"Scanning Target"
print"Identifying vulnerabilities in Windows"
from time import sleep
print"75%" #Yeah I was that bored
print"Complete, exploiting.."
print"Password Acquired!" #The Password is a random dictionarie word!
import random
words = [line.strip() for line in open('C:\Users\Joseph\Desktop\PyCracker\data.txt')]
passwd = (random.choice(words))
print"The password for the defined target is:",passwd
elif os=="2":
print"Scanning Target"
print"Identifying vulnerabilities in Linux"
from time import sleep
print"Complete, exploiting.."
print"Password Acquired!"
import random
words = [line.strip() for line in open('C:\Users\*My name*\Desktop\PyCracker\data.txt')]
passwd = (random.choice(words))
print"The password for the defined target is:",passwd
elif os =="3":
print"Scanning Target"
print"Identifying vulnerabilities"
from time import sleep
print"Complete, exploiting.."
print"Password Acquired!"
import random
words = [line.strip() for line in open('C:\Users\Khofo\Desktop\PyCracker\data.txt')]
passwd = (random.choice(words))
print"The password for the defined target is:",passwd
elif os == "4":
print"Sorry other operating systems are not suported at the moment"
print"Your input was Invalid, try again"
print start()
print"Thank for using PyCrack, the most easy and relialble password cracker"
raw_input("Press Enter to exit:")
#I know the protocol is 10000000% unrealistic but if I try this with my bro
#Or anyone who know nothing about computers I am sure he will believe me
#Anyway I did thi only to practice some python '