Alright I see a couple of things wrong here.
1. For starters, Since I don't see your external style sheet you need to have your CSS in <style> tags if you're just doing this part outside your external style sheet (unless you already have a css file elsewhere which in case you'd ignore this).
2. To get your image border working don't put it in your .contain Instead, create an image selector and use: border:(size in px)px soild (in your case I'm assuming) colorname;
3. Finally, to reposition your text where you want it you're going to want to use some CSS positioning propreties inside of your #one id (left, right, bottom, top etc)
This should help you fix the issue you were having. Also, for future reference please put code you're having trouble w/ in code tags on the fourm. Good luck on the project you're working on.