Well, to be honest, your question is wrong. It's focus is a bit off the things you should really care about.
I'll tell you why:
First off, you assume that this book, which I haven't read, will teach you everything about Reverse Engineering.
It won't. It will teach you to leverage the features of IDA Pro, which is an entirely different thing.
On the other hand, you seem to want to learn about RE itself, so I'd advise you to take a slightly different path
than the one you expect to take:
To understand disassembled binaries, you need to know Assembly for the Architecture(s) that you are interested in, as well as the format of those executables (PE on Windows and ELF on most UNIXes, as well as
some others). If you wish to understand programs written in a language built on top of the .NET framework, that's something entirely different, make some research. It will also help to nderstand and identify the tools
that were used to create a file you analyze. This includes compilers, the language involved, ....
So you probably want to learn assembly and C, but that depends on the things you want to do. Learn those
first, read books and articles on reverse-engineering, write your own tools, get a feel for the things you do, and you'll find yourself being able to do what you need without really bothering what tools to use.
On a final note, I could have included tons of material in this answer, but I chose not to, because it is freely
availible on the web, which you should search first.