Enhanced data security is a key to building strong business model and preventing a row of serious safely concerns. To help businesses and individuals browse more confidently, store their data in the cloud and transfer information without worrying about data leakage, Privatoria has developed a product that fills all the security gaps with reliable solutions.
More and more complex malware and spyware is emerging on a daily basis, which means that dealing with them requires advanced approaches and techniques. Unlike traditional security software solutions available on the market today, Privatoria’s product uses a complex approach towards protecting your privacy.
Thus, the product includes the following solutions:
Secure VPN and Anonymous Proxy, that enable you to surf anonymously, change your IP, unblock sites, etc.
Anonymous E-mail, Secure Chat and Secure Call and Video Call for secure communications
Secure data transfer via FTP and Secure Data and Message Storage
Yes I did just copy and paste their about page.
Here is the link:
https://privatoria.net/I would like to know what you guys think about this website as it is quit new and am not sure if it is any good. I have read some reviews and they all seem positive so far.