Javascript ain't really my thing and have to say I have no idea what is meaning of " ` " . I see what you are trying to do with that if statement, but that syntax doesnt make any sense to me.
But reason why it prints all.
if( nizzel = true) {console.log( languages[xix] + nizzel);}
You are not testing if nizzel is true instead you're allways assigning it to be true.
But anyways I still made my own example which I think will work and might give you some ideas what to do and what errors you made. You tried to make things bit too complicated imo, maybe you see what I mean from my example.
var languages = {
english: "Hello!",
french: "Bonjour!",
notALanguage: 4,
spanish: "Hola!" };
for ( var xix in languages) {
if ( /^([^0-9]*)$/.test(languages[xix]) ){
console.log( languages[xix]);
I know you asked not to change code so much, but like I said this didn't really make any sense to me.
if(languages[xix[0]]= " ´ " )
Once again you're not comparing anything, instead you're assigning value by using "=".
Edit: I modified some parts of my post after I took another look at your code. Still don't quit get how that if statement is suppose to work anhways with that " ` " .