1. Name your controls. When you're looking at your code Button6 means nothing. The best standard is to prefix the name with an abbreviated control type. i.e. button becomes btn, then follow with what the button is used for. btnSave, btnOK, btnClose, etc. The same for your text boxes, you currently don't know what value is stored in TextBox4 for example without going and checking what label it is next to. txtFees would be much more suitable.
2. If you frequently need to change the state of a group of controls like the ReadOnly state. Put it into a function. It saves you having to write the code out several times, makes your program smaller and more efficient, and also means that if you need to change the code, you only have to do it in one place. e.g.
Private Sub flipTextBoxReadOnly()
TextBox1.ReadOnly = !TextBox1.ReadOnly
TextBox2.ReadOnly = !TextBox2.ReadOnly
TextBox3.ReadOnly = !TextBox3.ReadOnly
TextBox4.ReadOnly = !TextBox4.ReadOnly
TextBox5.ReadOnly = !TextBox5.ReadOnly
TextBox6.ReadOnly = !TextBox6.ReadOnly
End Sub
3. VB is shit, haha.