Hello EZ,
I have always been fascinated by hardware hack tools like brueforcers, Surveillance drones etc. I want to get started with building my own tools and I have a budget of about 100-200 USD for buying external kits. I am thinking of starting with Raspberry PI or Arduino (other PIC microcontroller can be used as well but not very sure). I have had searched for different kinds of projects with Arduino or Raspberry Pi and there are plenty on various sites. However I am more interested in building security tools specially with the mindset of learning (since several well known tools are already available.). On
lifehacker I got some ideas like packet sniffer, Hack Rifle, Wireless camera launcher, password cracking etc.
I want some ideas on what more security related projects I can work on. I am beginner in this but hey I got to start somewhere and I know I will work with the basics but still just to get more interested I would like to have your input.
(Moreover I am not sure if calling Hardware hack tool is a good idea, sounds cheap like its coming from a noob. Sorry for that!)
Thank you,