Alright, you've guessed it right: This question comes from a noob (and I can already feel the downvotes coming, because somehow I think this is a stupid question to ask, but I was wondering and google failed me)
I've been reading a bit about hacking into Wifi networks (sry for the bad translation from German to English) and I have stumbled upon a method using Kali Linux and the well-known Aircrack -ng. And as far as I'm informed, you get the password by catching packets that are being sent between a client who is logged into the Wifi and the router itself, right? (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm here to learn after all) So, if the network is idle and not used by anybody, you cannot crack it open with Aircrack? I mean, I tried to look it up on Google, but found no useable results, so I thought to give it a shot and ask you guys here.
If you consider this a stupid question, just tell me and I'll know
(Yes, I have read the sticky about posting good questions, but I just had to try and ask you this)
Thanks already