Hi guys, reading is one of those stuff that I feel like is really important and a big chunk of what I've read in the past has been mainly on computers (Ebooks).
Few years ago, I decided to get a Kindle (Paperwhite) and it seemed actually a good way to read books whether technical or fiction or whatever and it's also really easy on the eyes.
But up until now I always just put the pdf file directly into kindle and was okay with it, but recently I discovered that the real way to read on a kindle is to use a kindle friendly format like mobi, azw3, etc.
Holyshit it opened up a whole new world for me and made me realize how stupid I was that I didn't research enough to understand this earlier. Reading on a .mobi or .azw3 format is fucking awesome, the options for line spacing / indentation, margin, font customization, word lookup, wikipedia access to selected text are all the features that are just too good that I think makes reading any book fun again. Usually reading a technical or text book from a pdf file with hundreds of blocks of cluttered text on a computer feels like a chore to me and this is the point where kindle shines in my opinion.
So far if a format is like epub, etc. it can be instantly converted to a mobi format using a tool like Calibre without any hassle, but I have a lot of pdf files and it's quite difficult or should I say impossible to get them converted to a kindle supported format since pdf format wasn't originally developed with that goal in mind. Not that pdf's dont work on kindle, they do but you have to manually zoom in / out everytime which is annoying and after a while you get so annoyed of doing this repetitive thing that you decide to squint and read the small texts and it hurts your eyes lol.
I've tried various things, the last stuff that I tried was stripping pdfs to barebones images and rescaling using k2pdfopt and finally converting to mobi using calibre. It sort of worked okay but still you don't have the customization options of a native mobi format since those are just images and not recognized as texts.
I would be interested in hearing if you guys do have other ways of converting those bloated pdf files onto some format that is more readble on a kindle, etc.
Feel free to suggest other ideas of reading, doesn't have to be a kindle, perhaps something that works for you.