Probably doesn't matter, but if you want that little extra bit of performance, you should be able to increase the clock speed in the BIOS.
I was going to mention this, a lot of RAM packagers will under clock their RAM to increase longevity, but honestly I'd suggest not over clocking the RAM.
WD has those black performance drives, 6TB for under $300. I'm working to pick at least 1 if not 3 of those puppies up.
I'm thinking about building a Plex headless server to keep in my garage and store my content. Going to be a powerhouse for transcoding video on the fly, run (2*6TB) * 3 RAID (total of 18tb space) and set up auto download things so I just have filters set and it will download download download. Only got 100gb left on my 2tb TV Show HD... So gonna need one of those soon.
Great build, hope you put that pretty thing to good use.
Do you think putting together a PC is a daunting task? I see furniture from Ikea and I was I was putting together a computer, its MILES easier, no guide needed.
Reminds me of my early days, i had begged my dad forever for a computer, one day he gave me a few boxes of computer components and told me I could have one if I built it myself. Took me a while and with some help I built my first computer. Then one day I went to upgrade the processor with one of my dad's older ones and I forgot to plug the fan back in. BIOS wasn't set to kill the machine on a certain temperature. I went to convert an AVI to DVD on my brand new dual core processor. I walked away and was dicking around, we smelt burning, my computer frozen and my shit damn near caught on fire. Was a sad day and a very important lesson, fans and heatsinks are very important. Now whenever I swap out parts or build computers I never leave a fan unplugged xD