Due to power concerns I decided to kill my old AMD box with a lot of hunger.
Just this week I swapped the board with some minitx board and some kinda easy on power intel CPU (2x2.2ghz)
I got some old but industrial quality flash drives(very easy on power usuage) which are used for OS and as a cache disk for my squid.
Speaking of which basically it's a DHCP/webproxy/cachingDNSserver for now.
It will be a fileserver and probably download server aswel as soon as I hook up some neat RAID configuration.
Other than that , I am not too concerned with security apart from the regular firewalling and stuff.
I could suggest:
Sickbeard/couchpotato/headphones for auto downloading series/movies/music (torrent or ns).
Squid , thats webbrowsing on steroids, nicely filtered ads so no client side nonsense , caching gives massive speed increase on loading times.
*some other stuff here, brain refuses cooperation*