Password Profiling
Using random word-lists to crack passwords can be a very long process due to large number of combinations. Password Profiling means, using words used by or about the victim in order to generate and include those in a customized word list.
To make this task shorter you can try to profile the password, because the creators of passwords are human beings, beings of habits. So I'll show you the basics of profiling passwords and you can research and customize deeper..
1. Scrape the web-server and output the generated word-list from words found in that web-server using cewl in kali linux
cewl -w example-list.txt
To check for the length of your generated word-list:
cat example-list.txt |wc -l
2. Customize your generated wordlist by adding rules in john the ripper
nano /etc/john/john.conf
and then proceed to add rules to those passwords in order to customize a better word-list
$[0-9]$[0-9] #In each word, this rule will add 2 numbers at the end of the word
Finally, just output the word-list one more time and you got yourself a list of possible passwords used by the victim.