WPS is inherently insecure, WPA2 not that much, there aren't many shortcuts. If you have multiple APs with same SSID but different passwords, you can benefit from precomputing, else you will probably not get much better speed than with aircrack-ng. Download some of the big dictionaries and get cracking. If the password is not in any dictionary you can get your hands on, you are mostly out of luck. Good luck brute forcing 8+ chars password. My success with random APs and 5GB dictionary was less than 10%, but I didn't try larger dictionaries, brute forcing or hybrid attacks. Seeing as you put more effort into it perhaps you can get a better success rate, but don't expect to get every AP.
I would recommend going with Evil Twin. It requires a good enough signal and one not-very-bright client, but will save you all the time and is more rewarding.
I am new to the field myself, I hope my answer helps in any way, you will probably get better answers soon.